Thursday, July 23, 2009

26 Years!

What does 26 means to me?

  • Is time to be more mature than yesterday
  • Is time to be prepared to be more mature tomorrow
  • Is time to grow taller (i know i passed puberty way long ago but i just want another 2 more cm! OK i can always replace with heels)
  • Is time to learn more things and equip myself even more
  • Is time to plan my next 5 years plan and next 10 years plan
  • I am moving on to my next phase of my life
  • I can no longer play like as if i am 16 years old (actually 16 years old having O Levels, so where got time to play?)
  • So i shall continue to play till next year Jan
1/4 of my life + 1 year had passed me by. I'll have another at least half of my life time ahead of me (if by God's grace). This year, it somehow became rather solemn. It is like almost i wished i had never grow up. The amount of stress and responsibility can be rather daunting at times.

However every year i am thankful my birthday fall in the month of July. It gives me a new opportunity to reflect and catch up whatever I had not achieved for the past 6 months, reminding me I still have time to catch up in the next 5-6 months.

This year birthday, I pray the Lord continued to lead me and guide me in His path. That He will continue to grant me the wisdom and courage that I very much needed as I grow in - my career, my family, my marriage and my walk with Him. God is good.

Blessed Birthday Hap(py)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Behind The Building

July 16, 2009

Behind The Building
Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. —1 Corinthians 15:58

Where we were working was hot, dirty, and it smelled bad. We had traveled thousands of miles to do some work projects, and on this day we were painting the back of a classroom building at a school for the deaf. The only people who would ever see this part of the building would be the guy who cut the grass and any unfortunate person who would have to work on the septic pit.

Yet, as the young adults diligently painted away, one of the girls, Melissa, put it in perspective by saying, “Nobody will ever come back here to see this, but God will see it. So let’s make it look nice.” And so we did.

Sometimes we sit at our desk and think no one sees our work. Or we stand at a line assembling item after endless item. Perhaps we take care of crying babies in the church nursery. Or we live the best Christian life we can—without anyone noticing.

Often our work is “behind the building.” But if that is what God has called us to do, we need to work with all our heart. As part of our calling to love others deeply (1 Peter 4:8), offer hospitality (v.9), and use our gifts to serve others (v.10), our task is to work with God’s strength to bring praise and glory to God, not ourselves. The important thing is that God likes what He sees. — Dave Branon

Though others may not observe us
And see how we serve God today,
Our job as servants of Jesus
Is to please Him in every way. —Branon

No service for Christ goes unnoticed by Him.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A new "iPod"

So happy i got a new ipod from

See the ipod on your right.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

HappyWhitsun Home - Ep 1 "Final Quote is never Finalized"

Blessings of the Day: We both enjoyed what we are doing. Confirming the designs, colour schemes and looking @ 3D designs. We are excited to hunt for furnishings, best bargains deals and building our lovely home. God has been very good to us and it brought us closer to Him than before and we just want to dedicate the whole home to our loving God :)

KG said we must really record down what we been through so that it would always be a good reminder of how the Lord had been good and faithful for providing this home for us. Great idea but it takes lots of efforts to blog everything and yes yes... with many photos :)

Collection of Keys

The day we collected our keys we were sooooo excited! Our friends had told us that it would be very a long tedious process because we would keep signing the forms till our hands were sored. But haha guess what, it was 1 hour long settling the admin mattters but we truely enjoy every single moment doing this together. When is the next time you gonna collect your very first new home keys again?

Opening the Door for the very first time

We had a slight problem with this issue as my mom wanted us to open @ auspicious hours. She wanted to also get a "Professional" to do it. After many rounds of persuasion and also pleading, we finally got "our way" and she finally relented let us opened our door by ourselves :P But we did promise her to get our door open @ the ausipicious timing just to make her happy and be at ease.

We both were so excited, happy and grateful at the same time. We were reminded that God had really given us this flat since we had tried BTO for 3 times and it was the 3rd time we managed to got it. Pastor shared that when he first got his flat with Aunty Sk, they dedicated the whole place to the Lord. Thus for about 5 minutes, we stood there and prayed and dedicated the whole place to the Lord and asked Him to fill His presence in our house to be a blessed and safe haven for us. We very much wants our place to be filled with God's love and when our friends and family who stepped into our house and leaving our place with God's love, joy and peace.

Preparing for our Renovation

When we opened our home we went WOAH! Actually *WOAH* not at the place but the amount of mailers that were lying on the floor :) We started to do cleaning up and Kg went crazy and mopped the whole house 6 times while i sweated and did the defect checking for the whole house. It took us 2 days over a week to complete the defect checking and took HDB another 3 weeks to correct the defects for us. In the midst of the 3 weeks, we made our first payment to the ID and waited for our first 3D draft designs. When it finally arrived, we were very much pleased with how it looks. I had my concerns for the colours chosen initally and finally decided with Kg that it looked decent :)

No carpet will be used, no flowers on the wall... for presentation purposes of our color schemes only

Each room in the house will have a coloured feature wall while the rest are in off white. Except for my F-MIL's room which is mulberry, our colours are quite cool neutral colours like grey, starbuck green and silver. Our kitchen took a bold step by choosing a white colour theme but many had concerns since we would love to cook and bake. Finally we still chose white because our kitchen really look tiny and the best way to maximize the tiny limited space is using white colour :)

One thing we learnt that the final renovation quote would never be the final quote. We continued to add in more items (not as if we can control the extra costs*sigh* ) and was glad that the initial stage we bargained quite a fair bit. There were frustrating moments but thankfully we had also learnt to tackle it together. There were much more intense planning coming up that involved our budget and that forced us to be even more disciplined than ever! We had to be cool headed at all times and if in doubt... just pray. You won't go wrong with that!

Next our furnishings huntings Ep 2 :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I want a new toy

This new toy will be perfect while i trained in gym :)

WALKMAN® MP3 Player - NWZ-W202/W
Be free from the tangling of cords and listen to your favorite music freely with Sony's NWZ-W200 series Walkman® MP3 Player. It features a new wearable style that does not involve any headphone cords, new ZAPPIN™ & Jog Dial controls for easy operation, making it a perfect partner for any activities.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Week 1 Day 2 Tone Muscles

Week 1 Day 2 - Lower Body Stretch
  1. Cardio 15 mins :: Step Climbing - Level 9 Fat Burning = 89 floors climbed/169 Calories killed
  2. Cardio 5 mins :: Slow cycling - Level 5 Fat Burning (to catch my breath from the intense climbing)
  3. x30 Crunches
  4. x30 Biceps Curls with 0.5kg Dumb bells
  5. x30 0.5kg Dumb bells shoulder press
  6. x30 Leg Press
  7. x30 Hamstring Leg Curls
Result: Almost died from the step climbing cardio exercise. More alert for the past 2 days and slept better too :)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Week 1 Day 1 Tone Muscles

Week 1 Day 1 - Full Body Stretch
  1. Cycling - Level 5 Fat Burning 20 mins ~ 6km++
  2. x30 Crunches
  3. x36 Biceps Curls with 0.5kg Dumb bells
  4. x30 Lateral Pull Down
  5. x45 Standing Calf Raise
  6. x36 Leg Press
Results: Aching buttocks...