Thursday, May 20, 2010


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There are many things I want to learn yet there are so little time. Thanks to the wide resources available online, there isn't the need to spend too much moolah to learn new things. (pat pat my pocket)

How can I bring my work to a new level again? I longed for the rush & excitement to discover new things, learning them and lastly applying them back in my work. I miss reading and only just a couple of weeks ago I finished reading 2 books which got me a good head start. Of course no doubt, i realize God's favour to be upon me. Lately a familiar verse came upon me  - we can plan but God will determine our steps (Proverbs 16:9)

The Lord have been good to me providing many more new projects (after a bad year) and I of course enjoyed working through these works. It just that I wonder how I can balance the part of bringing the stable income in and yet at the same time trying out something totally new. Alas, age is really catching up. In the past, it was nv a problem to rush overnight projects for a couple of weeks and still remain alert during the day. These days, rushing projects to 2am would have me looking like a panda the very next day. Brain processed much slower too. I am at the same time reminded that a healthy body pleases the Lord and thus going for all these twice weekly jogs were to keep me alert.

Healthy and positive outlooks also helps but I somehow is going the other way. Negativity and frustration often just lurk around me like ready to pounce on me at any chance. Sigh, why do I ever give that in? So now reading another book - "The Screwtape Letters" by CS Lewis. Classic book and just amazes me how sometimes I behave the very same way as what was described in the book. 

How exactly did woman of God did it in the very first place? All i can say is really the favour from God, and her understanding and leaning on God's strength. Health, Work, Ministry n Family - all to God's control then :)

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