Blessings of the day: I am so happy to hear Daren has arrived :) Welcome Daren :) Can't wait to carry you when i see you at the end of the year!
Quick Update:
1. Started a new 12 week course last week. I had to confess I've yet to read through my notes. How brave of me when 2 weeks from now I will have to submit my first assignment.
2. I've counted there are about 34 days left to my exam. So *exciting* 9 Chapters to go...
3. Next week Friday, practical test on video editing, audio recording, lighting setup and camera setup. My biggest fear? Lighting Setup and Camera Setup...
4. The next 3 weeks is going to be exciting again... We had confirmed our theme and now rushing on our script so that we can get the approval for our video shoot. I prayed that the video shoot will be as smooth as possible. Good weather please. That's very important. We are heading to Mohamad Sultan, Clark Quay, Little Indian and Harbour Front to recee and do our video shoot. ALL IN ONE DAY. Good weather please please... as for the documentary we are doing... shhh... not telling yet.. But the title will be *B&W* you can figure out that ;)
5. More and more assignments and reading up need to do ... sigh I hope I can manage it well.
6. uniSIM and NUS have a joint program and I am offered to take up to 10 credits at NUS to replace my uniSIM modules. The good news is I graduate by Dec 2008 *yippee* the bad news is more $$$ to be spent. *Thanks mom, without you, I don't think I can make it. I will make sure i earn triple the amount and bring you out for holiday soon * Well, I will see how God leads me. Not sure if taking up the course in NUS is a good thing. NTU courses are offered to me as well. Which means I CANNOT WORK next year for the first 6 months if i really decided to do 10 more credits in NTU. Because that would be like taking up to 6 modules in the whole semester. But if i were to take up a total of 40 credits in 2008 1st Semester it would mean i only have to do 1 module (10 credits) in 2008 2nd Semester... hmmm perhaps is not a wise choice.. i shall spread out my 50 credit units evenly... 25 each semester then.... oh God - please grant me the wisdom to make the right decision again!!!
1. Aiming to complete 2 projects before this month so that I can take time off for study and to do catching up.
2. Hope to close 3 project biddings... i know that sound ambitious...
3. Our current prayer for our business is that our work that can contribute to the Lord by becoming the channel of blessings for the community.
1. Year end camp Nov 23 to 25... exciting also ..... This year I've got an excellent camp committee members. May the Lord bless me with wisdom so that I can guide the team well. Praise Him :)
1. Using the word *Jialut* is not very nice especially these are all good news. Ok *Praise God* In the next 5 months, I will have 5 wedding bombs starting from this month and last all the way till Feb 2008. But on the highlight, the 4th wedding will be in Indonesia, Surabaya where my secondary good friend is getting married. I am excited because I've never attended an overseas wedding dinner. Ok suaku i know but I am STILL excited plus she is the first girl among our secondary school clique to get married! Wonder who is next...
2. 2008 is year where i heard alot of wedding bombing away... I've come to the age where my friends are getting married and getting pregnant with lots of kids... To tell you the truth, I am quite overwhealmed... haha
3. I am so SAD! Every year!!! I always miss the Canon Digital Photography Marathon :( Every year i missed it! First time - Evince. Second Time? - Anew ... Third Time? ZHSS Open House! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh *scream*
4. I would like to conclude I totally cannot make it for my advanced theory test. I am too ashamed to tell pple how many X times I had retake the test. Ok be fair to myself, I didn't put in effort to study *sigh*
5. I also would like to conclude I can now work on my left direction and right direction. *haha*
6. I like to conclude one more thing.. i am a dangerous driver... and i can conclude for sure i am not going to pass my driving test on my first attempt... *more stories next time * If i do pass on my first attempt by God's grace, I'll suggest you shall wear a helmet when you sit in my car the next time.
7. I like to speed... *woot*
In all situations, let's continue to look to God in prayer. Because He knows our thoughts. Trust in Him because our God know us the best than anyone else.
i miss cg updates, play time, word study, makan and worship. Accountabiltiy group is getting harder to meet up. Last month we missed one session :(
Old Friends
Worst! Hardly know what is their movement like... FOREVER i can't make it for the gathering!
Ok i done with updates, complaining, whining, moaning and screaming.